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Urdu Hindi sms Messages- Love Funny Birthday Friendship New Year Lovely Text sms

Here you will find cool collection of Love sms Funny sms Urdu sms Hindi sms Birthday sms Friendship sms Islamic sms Eid Mubarak Independence day Greetings Good morning Goodnight rude Flirt naughty sms jokes, kiss smile wise miss you and good luck best wishes sms. We also have largest collection of wedding, Diwali, mother's day happy new year and father's day sms.

New sms

New Mothers Day sms 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
BREAK UP SMS Messages  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Latest sms Messages  LAST UPDATE 24th May 08  Funny sms Love sms Urdu sms Hindi sms
An archive for the quality SMS messages! There are thousands of great text messages here- perhaps some could be used to win the heart of that certain someone special!! On every update Lovesmsfun.com team selects best sms messages which are submitted in this category. Want to have a quick look at our latest and new sms messages. We have added here our new collection of latest submitted sms by our website visitors.
New and Latest sms Messages

Love sms

Cute Love sms Text Messages  | Valentine's Day sms messages Updated 8th Feb, 08
If you are looking for love sms messages, here you will find best and unique selection of cute lovely, romantic, cute, sweet poetic & friendly texts. To send to your loved ones and special friends. Send these free funny short English Urdu Hindi sad Love u sms quotes, true sms love sms poems, I Love You sms to your soul mates. Send these Valentine's love sms message on Valentine's day. Why not you love on sms to your friends by these love sms notes. You should crush on your lovely freinds by sending these lovely sms.

Christmas sms

Christmas sms messages Easter sms
Cool collection of Marry Christmas X-mas sms messages here. Yes, say happy Christmas to your friends by sending great collection of Merry Christmas sms. The traditional greeting phrase on these sms messages is "Merry Christmas". sms messages are also produced with messages such as "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays", The greetings and farewells "Merry Christmas" and Happy Christmas. 
Christmas sms messages | Easter sms Messages

New Year sms New Year sms Messages
May this new year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every joy of life and may your resolutions for the days ahead. New Year's Day, Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. We have complete range of happy new year funny hindi sms text messages wishes greetings jokes and mms.
Happy New Year sms Messages
Eid sms Messages Eid Mubarak sms Messages
Eid mubarak is a traditional Muslim greeting sms reserved for use on the festivals of Eid ul-Adha and Eid ul-Fitr. Eid is a time to wish every body eid mubarak and convey your best wishes. We have cool sms of Eid Mubarik Eid Muabarak happy eid sayings Eid Greetings and Eid Poems. Send this collection of Eid Mubarak sms messages, Eid Greetings, on Eid days to your Muslim friends.
Eid Mubarak sms Messages
Holi Sms  Holi Sms messages| Diwali sms Messages  
Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, is the most popular of all the festivals from South Asia, and is also the occasion for celebrations by Jains and Sikhs. Holi is the most colourful festival of the Hindus and falls on the Full moon day in the month of Phalgun according to the Hindu Calendar. Say happy diwali sms and Happy Holi greetings to your friends by sending these cute diwali sms and Holi sms text messages and sms jokes in India

Birthday sms

Birthday sms Message
Cool collection of Happy Funny Birthday sms messages here. We also have birthday wishes greetings and birthday mms. Put a smile on your sweetheart's friend's colleague's loved one's face on his her special day with these warm and heartfelt Birthday sms text messages.Birthday is the time for Birthday cakes, balloons, gifts, friends, family 'n fun .So send these warm, beautiful and fun Birthday sms to your friend.
Flirt Sms Flirt Sms | Misleading sms
Flirting is a form of human interaction, usually expressing a sexual or romantic interest in the other person. Flirting is much more than just a bit of fun,it is a universal and essential aspect of human interaction. Lovesmsfun.com is your source of Flirt sms Misleading sms flirting text dating, how to flirt on mobile phone, flirty misleading sms, double meaning sms.
Flirt Sms | Misleading sms
Friendship Sms Friendship Sms Messages
Friendship is a world-wide feeling that everyone shares. Friendship means having a person you share your feelings with, a person you look up to, or someone you can look to for comfort. Because friends are everywhere. Here you will find cool collection of cute Urdu Hindi English Arabic romantic friendship sms messages and sayings words greetings. We also have friendship jokes shayri wishes, friendship hearts nice sms shayari poetry jokes text quotes poems and txt
Friendship sms messages
Urdu Hindi sms

Urdu Funny sms | Hindi Funny sms
Here you will find large collection of both urdu and hindi funny sms messages. Send these sms to your friends in India and Pakistan. We have huge collection of Urdu Hindi sms Text messages. This category includes also lovely Urdu sms Shayari, urdu shayaries for sms, urdu hindi love sms, jokes shayari shayri quotes poems words sayings shairi shayeri greetings shers ghazals urdu hindi shai romantic urdu hindi sad poetry. We have huge collection here. If you are a poet or shayar, you may submit your lovely urdu hindi sms poems here.
Urdu Funny sms | Hindi Funny sms

Funny sms Funny sms Messages
We have complete collection of funny sms text messages, jokes and humorous text messages to send to amuse and please your friends with these great funny mobile sms. We regularly update these lovely romantic funny sms messages jokes text quotes words and sayings. If you have cool collection of Urdu Hindi funny sms jokes, don't hesitate to submit at our website we will be pleased to add your message.
Funny Sms messages and jokes
Ramadan sms Ramadan sms Messages
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings. It is during this month that Muslims observe the Fast of Ramadan. We have newly introduced this category as our viewers are looking for some cute collection of Ramazan sms Ramadan sms messages. You may send these messages on Shabe Qader Shabe Barat. Ramadan sms Messages
Get well Soon sms

Get well Soon sms Text Messages
Get Well Soon' – These three words really mean a lot to someone who's feeling down or suffering from an illness. Send these warm, heartfelt sms text messages to your loved ones and friends. Send them these warm, heartfelt 'Get Well Soon' sms and wishes for a speedy recovery and make them feel healthy. A sunny 'Get Well Soon' message for someone really special. Send get well soon sms to your friends and help them get out of their blues.
Get Well Soon sms Messages

Good Night sms Good Night sms Sayings
On our site you can learn how to say good evening and good night sms messages. Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours. Happy journey into the world of sweet dreams! Good Night. Time to say goodnight, pick ur good night sms here. Say Good night to your friends by sending them nice and cute good night messages.
Good Night Messages
Good Luck sms

Good Luck sms | Best Wishes sms Text
A Good Luck wish goes a long way especially when your friend family colleague loved one is setting off on a new venture ! Choose from our collection of good luck sms text messages and Chinese best wishes sms and send these to your lovely friends. Wish your near and dear ones by sending free best wishes messages words quotes and best wishes sms for all occasions. Choose from a wide range of best wishes greetings.
Good Luck sms | Best Wishes sms

Good Morning sms Good Morning sms Messages
"Good morning sms" is a greeting that people often use during the morning portion of the day. Good morning sms may also be used as a hearty greeting. Send these cute lovely goodmorning sms text messages to your loved ones and friends. We have cute collection of beautiful sunshine starshine love funny good morning sms poems jokes quotes greetings wishes.
 Good Morning sms messages
Dream sms

Dream sms Messages, Dream Quotes
Ever wonder what certain objects in your dreams represent? Find out what your dreams really mean! Discover what certain symbols in your dreams represent. Everyone is fond of cute sweet dreams. You can wish sweet dreams to your loved ones by sending these cute dream sms. Send these beautiful lovely dream sms and dream quotes to your lovely friends. They will reply back with sweet dream sms
Dream sms Messages Dream Quotes

Independence Day Sms

Independence Day Sms Sayings and Messages
Now it's time for your class Independence Day ceremony !!Independence Day SMS and messages!. about 14th august Pakistan Independence Day and 15th august India Independence Day. Send large collection of DO you love your Country? Of course you do. Then why not send these cute lovely independence day text sms to your friends. Our website  Offers Independence Day SMS, Free Independence Day sms jokes, free Independence Day text sms, Independence Day hindi sms, latest Independence
Independence Day sms Messages

Islamic sms Islamic sms Messages
The messenger of Allah said: "Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, Here you will find huge collection of arabic islamic Islam religious sms jokes islamic mosque islamic mobile quotes text poems. Send these cute Islamic sms messages to your Muslim friends and brothers. Cool collection of Ramazan sms, Ramadan month sms.
Islamic sms Messages
Kiss Sms Kiss Sms Messages
A kiss is one of the most intimate and sensuous things you can experience with another person. you've had a great date, and you know you want to kiss her, and you're hoping she feels the same way. Why not kiss her by sending these cute lovely romantic funny kiss sms text messages jokes poems quotes. Such a great idea of kissing your friend here.
Kiss sms
Cool sms

Cool sms Messages
But how about for a greeting sms of sorts? Well, someone has cobbled together a pretty cool site called lovesmsfun.com which allows you to do just that. Reach out to your friends family dear ones with these fun-filled Winter Cool Fun sms text messages quotes and words. Send Free Online cool sms to your friends & loved ones. Our sms messages are cool and there totally free to be send to your family and friends. Just copy or type these messages on your mobile phone and send it to your associates.
Cool Sms Messages

Missing You sms Missing You sms Messages
If I could ask for a wish right now, I would ask to never be far from you because missing you is a terrible feeling and the noble and wonderful feeling. If you're missing your sweetheart, friend, family, loved ones then we've got the perfect set of warm, cute and free 'Missing You' sms text messages here. Are you far from your loved one ? Missing him/ her. Reach out to your loved one by sending a Missing You sms messages romantic jokes shayari quotes poems.
Missing You sms Messages
Mothers Day sms

Mothers Day sms Messages
Mother's Day is a day honoring mothers, celebrated on various days in many places around the world. Mother's Day is a special day for everyone! We use this day to honor our mothers all over the world! I hope you enjoy the mother's day sms messages greetings quotes words sayings here. Huge collection of Mothers day sms text messages, Your mother will love to have such nice and lovely messages on her mobile phone from you.
Mothers Day sms Messages

Father's Day Sms Father's Day Sms Messages
Fathers Day is an occasion to honor your father and express gratitude for his love and support. Most countries including US, UK, Canada and India celebrate Fathers Day on the third Sunday of June. The idea of celebrating Dad's Day was given by Ms Sonora Louise Smart Dodd and was approved by US President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. We have cool collection of Father's day sms Text Messages Here. Father's Day sms Messages
Naughty sms Naughty sms Messages and Text
It's fun to be naughty. After smashing down every venue, I've come to the realization that Naughty really needs to step it up and give the people what they deserve. Explore our magnificent comprehensive collection of naughty SMS, naughty sms messages, free naughty sms, naughty sms quotes, latest naughty sms, urdu naughty and hindi naughty sms text messages and jokes.
Naughty sms
New sms

Latest sms Messages
An archive for the quality SMS messages! There are thousands of great text messages here- perhaps some could be used to win the heart of that certain someone special!! On every update Lovesmsfun.com team selects best sms messages which are submitted in this category. Want to have a quick look at our latest and new sms messages. We have added here our new collection of latest submitted sms by our website visitors.
New and Latest sms Messages

Smile Sms Smile Sms Messages
Smiling not only makes us look younger and more attractive, it also brings numerous health benefits. smile is a more accurate reflection of mood. Smiling itself produces a weak feeling of happiness. Send these smile smiling sweet laughing sms to your loved ones. Keep smiling and send these cute and lovely smile sms to all of your smily friends
Smile sms messages
Joke sms Joke sms Text
Largest Collection of SMS Jokes on Internet and funny sms jokes for you to text message on your cellphone. A good collection of Funny free dirty hindi adult short sexy new desi Indian Pakistani punjabi pinoy hilarious holidy romantic rude bisaya naughty cell phone lawyer mobile blonde clean daily pratical political comedy sardar marathi sms jokes.
Sms Jokes
Punjabi sms

Punjabi sms Shayari
Punjabi is the native language of Punjab-India, the prominent language of Sikhs, the most common language in Pakistan and the spoken language of millions. Here you will find nice selection of Punjabi sms funny Text messages jokes shayari, shayri shayaris sher punjabi poems shayeri punjabi comedy poems kavita desi sexy sweet sms text messages for mobile and cell phone
Punjabi sms

 Rude sms  Rude sms Messages Jokes
Here you will have huge collection of rude sms text messages and jokes. You may rude with your friends and colleagues by sending these rude sms text messages. Wheather you are rude boy or rude girl just send these rude sayings quotes greetings poems clips rude sexy poetry here. Collection of rude sms to amuse your friends, show them that you can also be rude to him or her. Great variety of rude sms, dirty sms jokes.
Rude sms Messages
Santa Banta sms

Santa Banta sms Jokes
Santa Banta SMS Collection! Containing SMS related to Sardars.. Santa and Banta. These Sardar SMS are totally hilarious and guaranteed to make you laugh.
The two imaginary sikh funny characters who make the people laugh. These indian and pakistani style messeges are interesting and amusing. You will definitly laugh by reading these cute funny santa banta jokes and sms messages. 
Santa Banta sms

Sardar sms

Sardar sms Jokes
We have cute collection of Jokes, sardar jokes, santa and banta jokes, indian jokes, sms jokes, one liner jokes, online jokes, sardarji hindi jokes sardarji joke on innovations sardarji sms sardarji sms jokes, munna and circuit jokes, bihari jokes are provided by lovesmsfun.com.
Submit your jokes for our collection and you'll be immortalized forever. We have our all time fav. sardar sms, Funny Sardar ji! Jokes. Don't hesitate to send them to your loved ones.
Sardar Jokes sms

Send Me sms

Send Me sms Messages
If someone is not calling you or not sending you sms, simply send these messages to him/her. Surly you will get the response soon. (Both in Urdu and English). Send me sms is a unique category of sms on our website. By sending these messages you force someone you love to reply. When you will send these messages, surely you will have the response not within weeks or days but within hours.
Send me sms

Wedding sms

Wedding sms Anniversary sms Sayings
Everything you need to plan for a wedding! Whether you are the bride and groom, a family member, bridesmaid, or a guest, this site will provide you with thousands of cute anniversary sms messages, anniversary sayings, anniversary greetings, wedding sms messages, wedding greetings, marriage inspirational sms to be send to your loved ones. Send these warm Milestone Anniversary wishes to your friends spouse loved ones and make their Anniversary an extra special one.
Anniversary sms | Wedding sms

Bengali sms

Bengali sms Messages
Do you live in Bangladesh. Send these lovely, funny, cute, humorous, good morning, missing you, friendship, flirt, rude Bengali, bengali jokes poetry quotes poems Bangla sms bengali masala text messages to your friends in Bangladesh. More over you will see here huge collection of also Tamil and Gujrati sms text messages and jokes. All joy here.
Bengali Sms Messages
Malayalam sms

Malayalam sms Messages
SMS is no longer just available via English language, you can send and SMS in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu! Receive MSN Messenger messages from your mobile device, download ring tones.
You can freely use my Malayalam to send SMS to your friends, lover, father, mother, husband. Send cute funny Malayalam sms to your loved ones. We have just added new Malayalam sms messages in our collection of cute sms.
Malayalam sms Messages

Wise sms Quotes Wise sms Shayari | Quotes | Words
Huge collection of favorite quotes about Life, Love and the pursuit of Happiness. Here are wise words wise quotes sentences quotations sayings words wise slogans clip words phrases inspirational words and quotes, catchy words shakespeare words famous success birthday humorous words and sms wise quotes.
Wise words and Quotes
Mobile Prices Pakistani Mobile Prices
Buying a mobile phone is usually a confusing and complicated process. Mobile phone Prices in Pakistan and India are changing all the times. So it is very necessary to get latest updated prices of mobile phone in Pakistan India. We update these prices on weekly bases you may book mark this page to get latest rates and price list of Mobiles in Pakistan India. The mobile phone rates published on this website, may not be the exact current mobile phone rates.
Indian Mobile Rates Indian Mobile Prices  
Buying a mobile phone is usually a confusing and complicated process. Mobile phone Prices in Pakistan and India are changing all the times. So it is very necessary to get latest updated prices of mobile phone in Pakistan India. We update these prices on weekly bases you may book mark this page to get latest rates and price list of Mobiles in Pakistan India. The mobile phone rates published on this website, may not be the exact current mobile phone rates.
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Send Free sms | Web 2 sms chat Worldwide
Do you want to send your sms to your friends anywhere in the world? Why pay. Use these free sms service networks to send your message to any of your friend worldwide. Send text message SMS from computer to cell phone and receive replies online. Send SMS Text messages in your own Language from your computer to any mobile phone across the world. Free SMS options are also available.

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Send sms in Pakistan
Send free sms, sms, message, mobilink, gsm, u fone, ufone, jazz, instafone, insta phone, instaphone, paktel, Do you have a friend in Pakistan, or you live in Pakistan, don't use your mobile to sms your friends, simply use our given services here to send message to your friends in Pakistan. Here you will find Pakistani SMS Networks, Send sms messages to Pakistan, Send Free sms to Pakistan, Mobilink sms Pakistan, sms messenger for Pakistan, Ufone sms Pakistan, Telenor sms Pakistan, Paktel sms Pakistan, Instaphone sms Pakistan ·

Submit sms Submit sms
Our website is collection of Pre-composed sms messages. We request you to submit new and unique sms messages on our site enabling our lot of viewers and friends to send new sms to their colleagues. We accept only new sms on our site. If you will submit old sms these will not be published on our site as we always try to avoid all duplicate messages. Click on Submit sms button and fill online form to submit your sms. Good news is that all sms are published with your nick name and your mobile phone number.
my cell : 03433001811
my email : saloonbar_ocean@hotmail.com
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